How Covid-19 ruined college basketball – what to pay attention to throughout the 2021 season

Actually, college basketball has always been at its best in the US. There is no wonder why – except for American adherence to the discipline, the special attitude was always provided to the new freshers, the young future stars, thus – the students,
That’s why lots of college basketball competitions are held during the year in every part of the country (in each state).
However, this basketball season looked like the previous one – dull and full of restrictions.
Many matches were strongly delayed or canceled minute by minute, so organizators were constantly forced to schedule replacements.
The most awful thing is that a lot of teams took a break because of to Covid-19. For instance, after the Atlantic Coast Conference canceled three games, including two against the Duke crew, the Big East has lost four games, including the Xavier and UConn rivalry and the
Stanford and Arizona crews match were also postponed due to COVID-19 protocols. Many events of the women’s league were affected too.
Under such conditions clubs were forced to search for
quick replacements constantly, such as the one in Kansas, which was traded to Nevada on Wednesday night after Harvard was hit by Covid-19 protocols.
For now the situation has not changed significantly – most teams extended their Christmas Vacation.
What will be later? Who knows, let’s be hands-on.

Source: Fox news